Wednesday 23 April 2008

On the road to domestic goddessness

I took one more step closer last night, courtesy of the London College of Fashion, with the first night of my... (drum roll) SEWING CLASSES!! Yes, I've finally enrolled in a basic machine sewing course after talking about it for ages and eons and even years.

No faffing about, we got straight on the machines, industrial ones at that (ooh, scary. Very fast, and very powerful). I learned that in some beginner courses you start on paper, with no thread (huh?) just to get the feel of the machine - but not us. Nope, right into bobbin winding, needle threading, and line after line on squares of calico. (which, by the way, is not the printed floral cotton I knew it as in the US, but rather a plain unbleached material -- like thicker muslin. Thanks, Wikipedia, for clearing up my confusion!). By the end of the first class I was feeling quite in control of my machine, ooh miss, look at me and my straight seams.

Until it was, erm, miss - I seem to have broken my needle... The industrial machines may be powerful, but clearly no match for me. Stay tuned for next week's installment: what can she break next!?

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