Thursday 18 October 2007

Real live celebrity spotting

OMG. How could I have waited so long to post THIS?! I was enjoying the Golden Age of Couture exhibit at the V&A last Sunday, when an American accent (and cloud of lingering cigarette smell) caught my ear (and nose). I looked over, and there was a tiny doll of a girl (tsk, young woman), with tousled blond hair held back by enormous Wayfarers on her head, wearing short studded boots (possibly Louboutin) on her teeny skinny legs, and a huge furry hooded parka reaching to mid-thigh (the same length as her dress or skirt or whatever underneath - couldn't quite tell.) The round eyes delineated with black kohl confirmed my guess... I was in the presence of one of the Olsen Twins. (must confess, I'm not enough of a Heat or US Weekly reader to know if it was Mary-Kate or Ashley...)

I can sheepishly report I played junior stalker the rest of the way around the show to see if she had any celeb gossip I could gather -- unfortunately she and her friend pretty much only talked about the dresses in the exhibit. How dare they deprive me of a juicier story?!

And of course, no way did I have the courage to play junior papparazzo and take a snap on my mobile - so no visible proof, you'll have to trust me.

Beats all those sightings of George Stephanoupolous when I lived in DC, that's for sure!

1 comment:

Kara-O said...

Silly large feet, if they only had size 11, the boots are mine!