Monday 17 July 2006

And start training... NOW!

Right - for the 4th time, I've signed up for the Nike RUN LONDON 10k... and have roped a gang into running with me (thanks Margot, Kim, Cat, Emily, and possibly Sally too!)... SO - am determined to actually train for once (thanks Hal Higdon, and sister-in-law Amy for introducing him).

According to the 'novice' plan (ok, I know I've entered races before, but for the good it does, I might as well still be a novice) - 8 weeks is enough. Which is good, because it's really really hot. SO - I'll see what I can do in the next few weeks, then start in earnest early August. Sounds like a plan... Started with a little 'stretching & strength training' tonight. SO that's something...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you will do great!