Wednesday 10 March 2010

New day, new adventure

I can't believe I forgot my camera! That's what I thought as I watched Paige toddle happily around Snakes & Ladders 'indoor adventure playground' today for the first time. Because she absolutely LOVED it. We went from slide to toy car to swings and back again, Paige giggling all (well most) the while.

Probably the best thing about it is that the age groups are separated -- so Paige wasn't being knocked over by rambunctious 5-year-olds, like at the Lollipop club (an earlier, less successful, adventure). Of course, rambunctious 3-year-olds aren't much better (we were in the up-to-3 area), but there weren't that many kids, and Paige can certainly hold her own.

The amazing thing to me is that these places even exist... amazing what you learn when you have a kid!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Go again, and this time bring the camera.!!