Monday 8 March 2010

Nike+ minus

I'm quite happy to see that 10 days in, I'm 6 miles over schedule. Or 4.2 miles over if you only look at my Nike+ log. I've discovered the quite frustrating fact that it doesn't aaaalllways work. Like last Friday, when I quite excitedly did a brisk and short invigorating run that felt just great, saw the total would put me just over 10 miles, plugged my iPod in to sync, and.... nothing.. The run just disappeared. I was more deflated than anything. Which was silly of course -- *I* knew I did that run, why did it matter so much to see it on the little Nike+ totals screen?

But it did. And does. The back up site I found, RunnerPlus, just doesn't interest me as much, even though I can add my own runs to make sure my personal challenge total is more accurate. Which brings up that old philosophical chestnut: If a run doesn't sync through your Nike+, did you really run it?

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