Tuesday 2 March 2010

100 minus 4 days and counting

For the maybe one person who stumbles across this blog who *didn't* get the e-mail I sent out... my 40th birthday fast approaches, and I've decided to run 100 miles in the 100 days leading up to it. Not just for myself, mind you. My willpower is such that without some sort of external pressure I'd probably hit about, oh, 17 miles before finding one sort of excuse after another and before you know it, my birthday would arrive, and so much for that challenge!

So I'm making this public, and putting some $$ / ££ on the line by running for a charity: Quilts for Kids. Wanna donate? Easy-peasy lemon squeezy... Head to my donation page on Firstgiving, all major credit cards accepted!

So far I've done 2 runs in 4 days for a total of about 5 miles... so right on track. My aim is to go for about 8 - 9 miles / week so that I can build a buffer, just in case I get some super busy work times, or horrid weather days. (Horrid weather in London? Never!)

I'm trying to find a way to put my Nike+ monitor data straight on to this blog, but it looks like they may have taken that widget function away in favour of the Facebook link-up. Oh well - I'll try to put at least weekly updates here, and will also have the Facebook link.

Thanks to those who've donated already -- I'd originally hoped to raise $500, but as I'm half-way there already, I may have to revise my target up a bit... $1000 is a nice round number!

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