Wednesday 2 September 2009

Still growing

Took Paige for her 8 - 10 month 'developmental' check up today. Although they'll weigh your baby at any time (well, any time the well baby clinic is open, so any of 3 1/2 hours of the week), they'll only measure said baby at prescribed intervals: 6 - 8 weeks, 8 - 10 months, and, er, I think 2 1/2 years. Other than that you're on your own.

I also thought they were supposed to check developmental milestones, but really didn't know what to expect. And after the weigh-in (19 1/2 pounds -- 75th percentile), and measure-in (72.5cm -- 98th!), all the Health Visitor did was ask 'So, how's she doing'? Well, she looks fine to me, but isn't that part of your job Ms H V to tell me how she's doing? What do I know, she's the only baby I have; I've got relatively little to compare her to!

To be fair, she did ask a few other questions: 'Is she standing with help, is she rolling, (er, do you mean off the bed? yep, she passed that milestone a while back!), is she saying da-da-da-da, ba-ba-ba-ba (yes on the da, no on the ba... does that make her a half-wit?)... but that was about it for the 'check-up'.

Ah well, as long as she keeps up the giggles I'm not worried!

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