Tuesday 24 July 2007

It's all over...

Right, well – it’s done. After a focused nearly 4 hour binge last night, I have finished Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. I know what the Hallows are, who (if anyone) dies, who doesn’t, and even What Happened Next…

And now it’s all over. I certainly wouldn’t class myself a Potter fanatic, but I am sad there are no more, it’s been an enjoyable adventure of a read. I was almost willing myself to read slower, so I wouldn’t come to the end so quickly – and yet I had to find out what happened! And find out you do – pretty much every question is resolved (and if I have one criticism of the book, it was how neatly and quickly that happened, when it did. Kind of like one of those crime shows where in the last minute the novelist- or business man & his wife- or coroner- or pesky school kids- turned-accidental-detective(s) says ‘Of course. The note left in the dining room was a love letter from Jane to John; Jim saw that, and therefore *he* was the one to run John off the road in a fit of jealousy; he’d cleverly rigged a Ferris Bueller type device with pulleys and a mannequin to make it look like he was in his front room the whole time. When we saw he’d recently downloaded Ferris Bueller’s day off from iTunes, and then found his receipt from PulleysRUs, we realised the extent of his deception. Case solved.' But I digress…).

But all in all, a good read, fast paced, very dark in some places, but with some levity (and I kept wondering 'how will they film that?!'

And now at least I can read the reviews and comments I’ve been avoiding!

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