Wednesday 6 September 2006

I confess...

Ok, I give in. As much as I try to deny it, I am indeed media-celebrity obsessed. Z-list? No matter. My proof? Last night I was out to dinner, and who did I spot? Big Brother winner Pete. Yeah. Practically George Clooney and Madonna together in terms of stardom. This week at least. Kind of. Well, as far as Heat Magazine is concerned.

And what did I do? Dither for 20 minutes to everyone else at dinner about why I was too chicken to take his picture. And THEN I walked by him for a completely legitimate reason, on the way to our table. And I oh-so-slyly had my mobile out, nonchalantly 'checking my texts' while oh-so-surreptitiously angling my camera. And then I flaked. And just smiled and said hi to him, and he said hi back, and probably thought I took his picture anyway, and I DIDN'T. So the grand result was nothing, nada, zilch. Except my feeling of slight embarrassment for caring so much. And in front of colleagues as well.

Ah well - I should just embrace it. Maybe I should be a paparazzo. Except I need to remember to actually take the picture next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would be impressed if I knew who he was! At least you didn't say "you look just like yourself" which is what I said to Cal Ripken.