Thursday 1 May 2008

Puzzle time again...

Two weeks in a row - (pause to give myself a little pat on the back. Pause again to take it back when I remember NPR received 3,000 entries last week - one of the larger numbers, so suppose it was a pretty easy one...)

Let's see how many right answers they get this time - Alright, Mr deShortz... I'm ready for my phone call...

And the question is:

"Insert a long E sound after the first letter of "bond" and phonetically you get "be-ond." Insert a long E sound after the first letter of "renter" and you get "re-enter." Name something found in outer space. Insert a long E sound after the first letter, and you'll name a resident of a major American city. What are the words?"

Answers to NPR Puzzle by 3pm Thursday as usual... Or below. Though I make no promises of calling anyone to play puzzle on air Sunday morning -- you'll have a slightly better chance of that with NPR...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it took me all this time, but I finally got it!! I guess it hits too close to home! Unbelievably, Dad didn't get it even when I explained it.

Anonymous said...

D'uh, I just got it, thanks to Mom's hint.