Thursday 28 June 2007

the Metro stole my headline

I was going to headline this 'All Change' - but the Metro used that already to mark Gordon Brown's first day as Prime Minister. I do still think it feels odd that without any sort of election or campaigns or lengthy battle for power (er, should I say, no lengthy official battle for power), this country has a new PM. Of course, big news here; only made it to item #3 on the New York Time's world pages -- better work harder Gord.

But rather than Gordon Brown, what the change really makes me think of is memories of 10 years ago, just after I decided to move to London. In preparation, I was obsessively consuming any item I could that had to do with the UK -- from CSPAN's coverage of Parliament, to old episodes of Monty Python. And as part of that, I followed closely the campaign and election of one Anthony Blair -- I can still see myself in my little kitchen in DC, reading a Newsweek article about how 'Clinton-esque' the campaign was...

Wow -- many changes in those 10 years - at least my hair hasn't gone as thin as Tony's! (though maybe as grey - I just cover it better...)

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