Wednesday 14 July 2010

Hair today...

"Trevor Sorbie Hair Salon for Children," said the voice on the end of the phone.

My husband's voice, in fact. The same husband to whom I'd casually mentioned that morning, "I wonder if we should cut Paige's hair. It's getting a bit scraggly at the back."

I'd merely called to let husband know I was on my way hime, and instead learned he'd taken my throwaway comment as a request. An order, nay. (Why that doesn't happen when I, for example, I just as casually mention "the laundry needs doing" or "the bathrooms need cleaning" is beyond me...)

As I was on a crowded train, I refrained from shouting any expletives down the phone (though, to be fair, I'm not really an expletive-shouting person; I would probably have refrained even in an empty carriage). Instead I just laughed and thought, really, how bad could it be? And she did need a trim...

Hmm... when I got home I discovered it was a little more than a trim! But it is cute. Ish. And besides - it only took 19 months to grow, so by the time she's 3, the mullet may be back...

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