Sunday 4 June 2006

Is summer finally here?

I don't want to tempt fate, but summer may have finally arrived this weekend... fingers crossed! As such, we had a sporty outside-y weekend as much as possible - lovely... (umm - except for the work I was supposed to be doing). Yesterday went for a run for the first time in ages - a bit scary, as I'm doing the British 10k in only 4 weeks.

Then today I went for my first cycle of the year - and discovered a) you really don't forget how to ride a bike, phew b) most people on the towpath are selfish and clearly deaf. HOW many times did I ring my little bell to warn of my approach. WHY do people think that means "stop, wander to the left and right to determine where the sound might be coming from, but in all cases remain walking 2, 3, or 4 people across?"

And I'm only a moderate cyclist. In fact, I don't think I can even call myself a cyclist when I'm still scared to go on the road. And I've not yet taken the plunge & ridden to work. But still - pedestrians are annoying. Except when I am one.

At least I managed to arrive safely (and without taking out any of the meandering walkers, or "pavement plaque", as my friend margot calls them) - at our luncheon destination: Stein's - "London's first and only Bavarian Biergarten". Ok - so I wasn't there for the beer, but the potato salad was yummy... and I exercised on my way there, so it has no calories, right?

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