Tuesday 24 January 2006

Still recovering

Yawn - still waking up from Sunday night Seahawks win ... after being a fan for so long, I literally cannot believe it they're going to the Superbowl. It's surreal - and made even more so by being in London, where, frankly, no one cares.

SO - I face a dilemma... do I watch the game at home, in my same t-shirt / sweatpants combo that clearly has served them well? Or do I go to the Sports Cafe, enjoy the game amongst other fans, with a great atmosphere, knowing that the venue could very well be, in the words of my friend Dave, 'bad juju'. But perhaps it's only bad juju for him and/or for baseball - as it's where we watched the Sox lose to the Yankees in 2003.

Then again, even if it does mean bad luck - if I watch the game there, does that mean the Seahawks will lose but go on to win the Superbowl the following year??

Need a sports-superstition ruling on this one I think... Mom?


Anonymous said...

I would watch it at home with your boyfriend

Kara-O said...

I am beginning to suspect anonymous' identity....
Meanwhile, what is to prevent you going to the sport cafe in your sweats and sweatshirt? Toby regularly goes out in such attire. In fact, one of his favorite outfits is his football themed sweatpant(trouser?)/shirt combo which he insists on wearing (along with his bike helmet) whenever there is a game.

Anonymous said...

cool site - i need one - i guess the name thing will be an issue again soon huh ...... are you going to change it or combine or what - by the way whats his last name?